block and border templates, and
a feathered pattern for offset blocks
Synopsis: Rose initially published this pattern book for students at Pioneer Quilt Shop in Rapid City, SD. It was also available for limited public purchase. Her mother Evelyn Rose’s pattern was developed as a block-of- the-month in the quilt shop. Now the entire pattern for a queen-size quilt is again available. The instructions are step-by-step and have been described as complete and easy to follow.
Review by a veteran quilter:
“I can’t imagine the hours you spent drawing these patterns, numbering and lettering each little piece to applique I am impressed with the beauty and simplicity of the designs as well as your details in each piece. I am anxious to try some of them and show you my interpretation of a pattern. With your instructions so clear, I feel this book should be on the shelves at the Storytelling headquarters, the Visitors’ Center book shop, and Tennessee Quilts in Jonesborough. I have ‘no pull’ at any of these places, but quilters should know about this book. I believe that hand quilting is still popular, but people are busy individuals who just don’t take the time when machine quilting is so much faster. I appreciate your recommending the feather wreath for alternating blocks. My mother used that pattern often, especially with the Double Irish Chain. It was an enjoyable Sunday afternoon reading.” Barbara
Website copyright 2010-2024 by Rose Klix inclusive of all pages and posts.